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Social Distancing? Spring clean time!

Social Distancing? Spring clean time!

For those of us who are not in the front line battling the pandemic, the world seems to be slowing down little by little every day. When there is not that much to do outside, many of us start to examine things inside. Nope, I am not getting too spiritual just yet. “Finding inner peace” is scheduled for later, perhaps Week 3 of work from home. For now, I am looking at the clutter around the house and ready to start a deep spring cleaning, starting with the closet😉 Here are some tips from Marie Kondo when it comes to organizing your closet.  

Commit to everything but tackle it one category at a time. 

    Once the commitment is made, there is no turning back. However, if you suspect that going through your entire closet might be a multi-day project, break them into categories -dresses, jackets, sweaters, pants, shirts, etc. That way you are not left with a giant pile of clothes in the middle of your bedroom that you have to walk around for the next couple of days.

    Clothes Categories_spring cleaning


    Ask yourself: Does it spark joy? 

      Some of the questions that stem from these steps are: Do I really own this piece? How come the tag is still on this one? Isn’t this from 5 years ago? How was I thinking about buying this? … 

      Truth be told, we all have many pieces that just don’t spark joys anymore. For the ones that are still in great condition, Elli Share can provide a second chance for them😉 Check out the Share page to see how to consign us and share your closet with another gal! 

      Does it spark joy Marie Kondo Netflix

      Avoid sentiments but cherish memories. 

        Chances are you will be remembering the stories and relationships associated with most of the clothes. While each one of them bears some memories, it is still time to let some of the pieces go (obviously thank them for the service they have done for you) as you just haven’t thought about that piece for over 5 years!  

        However, if something reminds you of some serious laughter you shared with a friend or family member, give them a call 😊 , After all, we have a lot more time on our hands lately, which should be spent on things that matter! 

        Women Calling_clothes

         Fold the clothes according to these awesome tips! 

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